Mrs. Hanson

Week of April 27

Please read the newsletter that came home this week.

Thank you Ms. Tansella! We have enjoyed our six weeks with you in our class.  We will miss you!

Thanks for the support for the move-a-thon!

The grade eights sell popcorn daily.  The cost is $2.00.  They are also selling ice cream sandwiches on Thursdays and Fridays.

Our Library day will be on Tuesdays.   Please put your child's library book in his/her mailbag when you are done with them.

Math and Spelling homework books come home on Monday.  Please return both books on Friday (or when they are done).

Every Monday, your child will write their spelling words in their agendas.  I will also post the words here.  Please help your child learn these words.  We will work with these words all week in class.  We will have a spelling test on Friday.  I will send the book home.  Please sign the test and return the book on Monday.

Grade One: blue, green, orange, white, brown.
Grade Two: niece, movie, genie, field, monkey, honey, donkey, sunny, happy, candy.

Important Dates this month.
May 5th-11th: Catholic Education week.
May 9th: Rosary Celebration
May 12th: Mother's day
May 20th: Victoria Day (no school)

Happy birthday this month to Emmett, Owen, Noah, Emma and Cole!

Our Scholastic Books class code is: RC236801