Mrs. Hanson

Week of June 24th

A special thank you to the parents that came on our class trip on Friday!  I hope everyone has a safe and happy summer. I will see you when school starts again in September.

The grade eights sell popcorn daily.  The cost is $2.00. 

Please return all library books. We will no longer be able to take library books out.

We do not have spelling or math homework this week.

Important Dates this month.
June 6th: School PizzaCue 5-9
June 7th: PA day (no school)
June 14th: Mass at the church
June 16th: Father's day
June 21st: Class trip to the Simcoe County Museum
June 26th: Reports go home and tentative talent show date.
June 27th: Last day of School

Happy birthday this month to Brian!  Happy birthday in the summer to Willow, Inbal, Grace, Isa, Jasper and Xavier!

Our Scholastic Books class code is: RC236801