Mrs. Hanson

Week of November 4th

Please read the newsletter that came home last week.
Popcorn is on sale Thursdays only for $2.00. 

Our library day is Tuesdays.  When your child is finished reading his/her book, please put it in his/her mail bag.

Please leave all guided reading books in your childs' mailbag.  I will clean out the mailbags on Mondays.  Thanks for listening to your child read daily.

Important Dates
6th: Picture retake day
14th: Parent teacher interviews after school
15th: Parent teacher interviews during the day (no school)
21st: Trip: Play Matilda at Georgian College
4th: Candlelight celebration

Spelling test books came home on Friday.  Please sign and return on Monday. This week spelling homework books will be coming home.  The instructions are in the front of the book.  Please return the completed homework by Friday.

Spelling words (grade one):
for, with, be, said, got
Letter of the week: e
Kindergarten word of the week: is

Happy birthday Sarah! 

Our Scholastic Books class code is: RC236801